Cadiz Women’s Golf League
The Cadiz Women’s Golf League was hosted by Cathie Jones and Angie Sapon on Wednesday with the play of the day being “Find the Fairway.”
The winners were: First place, Sandy Terek; second place, Carole Patton; and third place, Glenda Sensel. The putt winners were: First, Sherry Sapon, 27; second, Patty Stewart, 28; and tied for third were Bonnie Beetham, 30, and Carole Patton, 30. Kathy Newburn and Billie Stanwick had birdies, and Patty Stewart had a chip-in.
Next week will be a guest/member scramble.
Highland Springs Ladies League
The women of the Highland Springs Ladies League played the back nine on July 11. The play of the day was “Low Gross.”
The winners were: Neysa McCart, first place; Brenda McCloskey, second place; and Erin Ankrum, third place. Ruth Lamantia won the longest drive on hole No. 13 and the lowest putts for the evening. Vickie Grant won the closest to the pin on the second shot on hole No. 17.
There were three birdies on hole No. 13, made by Ruth Lamantia, Brenda McCloskey and Denise Augustine.
The league plays each Monday at 5 p.m. at Highland Springs in Wellsburg. All women are welcome to play. Call the clubhouse by 3:30 p.m. that day to sign up.
On Monday, the league will play the front nine, and the play of the day will be N.O.S.E.
Spring Hills Ladies Golf League
Spring Hills Ladies Golf League’s play of the day on July 7 was a scramble.
The winning team consisted of Cindy Vidas, Janet Backel, Mary DiMichele and Carmella Wallace.
Other winners were:
Long drive: B flight, Vickie Grant, and C flight, Pat Carey.
Closest to the pin: A flight, Cindy Vidas; B flight, Mary DiMichele; and C flight, Janet Backel.
Tammy Cox won the 50-50 drawing.