Almeria’s Tennis Club celebrated its 50th anniversary. Image: Almeria Town Hall
The anniversary on Saturday, September 15, has been punctuated with sporting, cultural and social events.
The celebrations included unveiling a plaque in honour of the Club’s very first president, Francisco Campra.
Francisco said: “Studies indicate that tennis extends life by eight years, and I feel very well with this sport. It is a sport that teaches you values for day-to-day life, such as winning without boasting and losing with elegance.”
Francisco added: “The Club de Tenis Almeria has helped to promote this discipline throughout the province, and some of the best players in Spain have played for this club.”
The Mayoress of Almeria, María del Mar Vazquez, praised the Tennis Club saying: “It forms part of the sporting and social life of the city.”
“Many people from Almeria have played on these courts, and its facilities have hosted prestigious competitions such as the recent Spanish Junior Tennis Championships.”
The Mayoress added: “The Almeria City Council is very proud to be able to participate in the celebration of its 50th Anniversary.”
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